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Your #1 tool for back-to-school success

Welcome back to school! You've got your clothes and shoes ready, your backpack filled with paper and pencils and notebooks, and you've got your morning routine settled. But do you know the Number One tool for success and how to use it? Hint: most students hate using it, but that's because no one has shown them how to use it the right way.

The Number One tool is your planner. Most students think of their planner as the free thing they get at school which sits in the book bag until it falls apart and they throw it out. But using the planner the right way can transform your school experience and make learning easy (or at least easier!).

Even when students do use their planner, they usually write down the homework assignment for the day or a test coming up. That's a great starting point, but when are you going to study for that test? When are you going to do that homework? What resources do you need for these assignments? What other obstacles wills top you from completing the work or getting ready for the test? Make notes for all of these points. Turn your planner into a resource that highlights your path to success.

For more tips and ideas on using your planner, watch our webinar series, coming soon!

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